
Why Here, Why Now?

Jan 31, 2024

Show Notes for Podcast Episode 1: Why Here, Why Now? Our Background and Purpose



Understanding the Journey: From Medicine to Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching

In the dynamic world of health and wellness, Dr. Jessica Singh's transition from emergency medicine to holistic health and wellness coaching marks a significant shift. Her inaugural episode on the Health and Wellness Coach Journal Podcast offers an enlightening perspective on this journey, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach in healthcare and the importance of professional development in coaching.


Root Causes of Disease and Burnout

Dr. Singh's insights into the limitations of conventional medicine highlight the necessity of addressing the root causes of diseases. These are often deeply entrenched in societal structures, organizational factors, and personal lifestyles. Her own encounter with burnout and disillusionment in traditional healthcare systems led her to explore alternative methods that focus on emotional, mental, social, and spiritual health. This approach underlines the vital need for holistic health and wellness solutions.


The Transformative Power of Yoga and Coaching

Dr. Singh's journey took a pivotal turn during a yoga teacher training retreat, where she experienced firsthand the profound benefits of holistic practices. This transformation extended to her family, influencing lifestyle changes like vegetarianism and sobriety. Her foray into coaching revealed the immense potential of holistic healing methods, including mind-body techniques and breathwork. Such practices align with research that underscores their effectiveness in enhancing overall health and well-being.


Professional Transition and the Importance of Certification

Transitioning from emergency medicine to her wellness practice, Sukhayu Wellness, Dr. Singh emphasizes the critical role of professional certification and adherence to best practices in health and wellness coaching. Her journey to becoming a national board-certified health and wellness coach and an associate certified coach with the International Coaching Federation demonstrates her commitment to maintaining ethical standards and excellence in the field.


Creating a Supportive Community for Coaches

Recognizing the need for support in the coaching profession, Dr. Singh established the Center for Health and Wellness Coaches. This platform offers resources, mentorship, and community for coaches, highlighting the importance of certification and continuous education. It's a step towards integrating health and wellness coaching into mainstream healthcare systems while upholding ethical practices.


Navigating Public Health and Advocacy

Dr. Singh advocates the significant role of health and wellness coaches in tackling chronic lifestyle diseases and promoting holistic health globally. She stresses the importance of recognizing the scope of health and wellness coaching, which extends beyond diet and weight concerns to encompass psychosocial factors, chronic conditions, and overall lifestyle improvement.


Cultivating a Knowledge-Sharing Platform

Dr. Singh envisions the Health and Wellness Coach Journal podcast and blog as avenues for knowledge exchange and community building within the coaching world. Her dedication to fostering dialogue and sharing expertise highlights the collaborative spirit essential in the health and wellness coaching community.


About Jessica Singh, MD



  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 00:49 Background of the Center for Health and Wellness Coaches and Dr. Singh’s professional journey of career transition from emergency medicine to coaching
  • 06:39: Importance of coach certification
  • 10:36: About the Center for Health and Wellness Coaches
  • 14:05: The role of health and wellness coaching for health advocacy
  • 16:22: Purpose of The Health and Wellness Coach Journal Podcast

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